How to integrate Manychat, either Zapier/Integromat, to pull Manychat data into slack and use slack as a dashboard to speed up your bot work
Slack is allot of things.
Yes it's "supposed" to be for in company/team communication.
Everybody likes to talk about the obvious things. (including fixing a logo problem only they thought was a problem).
What Slack does not get enough credit for though is how amazing it can be as a marketing dashboard or in this case a bot dashboard.
Slack is amazing as a bot dashboard.
Sorta crazy the amount of data you can pipe into slack.
You combine that with slack's desktop and especially mobile app and the notifications options those apps offer and you are rocking.
How to integrate Manychat and Zapier and Slack
The integration part is on you. Google it if needs be.
Once you do here are a few of the fields you want to make sure get passed into Slack from Manychat. This is Zapier but its similar in Integromat(all the same fields on offer anyway)
I like to port in the following fields (gonna use exact names here so you have it for reference)
- User First Name
- User Last Name
- User Live Chat Url
- User Last Growth Tool Type
- User Last Growth Tool Name
- User Profile Pic
Port those in and you are left with an output that looks just like below (I deleted the first name on this one.)
You can of course edit what additional data you want to send to Slack. There are a ton of additional fields and some of that additional data might make sense in your business or niche.
Use Cases
Make sure you get the Slack desktop app and the phone app.
Set your notifications preferences to taste.
Always have a solid read on what is going down in your bot. Good times.